丙二醛(MDA)检测试剂盒 ZC-S0343 货号 应用 微量法 规格 100管/96样 价格(RMB) 320.00 说明书下载 ★正式测定之前选择 2-3 个预期差异大的样本做预测定。★试剂盒测样本孔数和单个样本测量孔数来计算所需生化试剂盒数量。 产品详情 参考文献 MDA与硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid,TBA)缩合,生成红色产物,在532nm有最大吸收峰,进行比色后可估测样品中过氧化脂质的含量;同时测定600nm下的吸光度,利用532nm与600nm下的吸光度的差值计算MDA的含量。货号ZC-S0343规格100管/96样英文名称Malondialdehyde Assay Kit检测方法微量法(酶标仪检测)检测波长段532nm保存条件2-8°C or -20°C需自备的仪器和用品可见分光光度、水浴锅、台式离心机、可调式移液器、1mL玻璃比色皿、研钵、冰和蒸馏水有效期3个月 氧自由基作用于脂质的不饱和脂肪酸,生成过氧化脂质;后者逐渐分解为一系列复杂的化合物,其中包括MDA。通过检测MDA的水平即可检测脂质氧化的水平。 · 生化试剂盒常见问题 1. 【IF:8.4】Novel thawing method of ultrasound-assisted slightly basic electrolyzed water improves the processing quality of frozen shrimp compared with traditional thawing approaches2. 【IF:6】Curcumin-loaded emulsions stabilized by the succinylated Antarctic krill proteins: Establishment of photodynamic inactivation to preserve salmon3. 【IF:5.6】Grape seed extract ameliorates PhIP-induced colonic injury by modulating gut microbiota, lipid metabolism, and NF-κB signaling pathway in rats4. 【IF:2.3】Astaxanthin inhibits oxidative stress and apoptosis in diabetic retinopathy5. 【IF:7.5】 Protective effect of total Saponins from American ginseng against cigarette smoke-induced COPD in mice based on integrated metabolomics and network pharmacology6. 【IF:5.1】Effects of the curcumin-mediated photodynamic inactivation on the quality of cooked oysters with Vibrio parahaemolyticus during storage at different temperature7. 【IF:3.3】Melatonin alleviates doxorubicin-induced mitochondrial oxidative damage and ferroptosis in cardiomyocytes by regulating YAP expression8. 【IF:6.2】Effects of water fluoridation on early embryonic development of zebrafish.9. "Hydroxysafor Yellow A Regulates Infammation and Oxidative Stress by Suppressing the HIF?1α/JAK/STAT3 Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Osteoarthritis"10.【IF:2.8】The Effect of Short-Term Artificial Feed Domestication on the Expression of Oxidative-Stress-Related Genes and Antioxidant Capacity in the Liver and Gill Tissues of Mandarin Fish ().11. 【IF:2.9】Arsenic(III)-induced oxidative defense and speciation changes in a wild Trametes versicolor strain.12. 【IF:2.65】Exploring the Mechanism of Realgar against Esophageal Cancer Based on Ferroptosis Induced by ROS-ASK1-p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway.13. Apelin-13 Ameliorates Sepsis-induced Brain Injury by Activating Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog-induced Putative Kinase 1/Parkin-mediated Mitophagy and Modulating Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain-like Receptor Pyrin Domain-Containing 3-driven Pyroptosis in Rats.14. 基于代谢组学探讨桔梗汤对脂多糖诱导的小鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用15. 丁苯酞氯化钠注射液对脑白质病变治疗效果的影响16. 外源生长调节物质对低温弱光胁迫下辣椒 幼苗生长的影响17. 不同放养密度对雪峰乌骨鸡生长性能、屠宰性能、血清生化和免疫指标的影响18. 硝酸镧浸种对盐胁迫下棉花种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响19. 连续红、蓝光照对辣椒幼苗生长及生理特性的影响